8 Ways a Lawyer Can Help Your Business

Many people groan the moment they hear the word “lawyer,” but an attorney can be a small business owner’s best friend. There are many times when an experienced business attorney can provide valuable services to small businesses. Here are 8 times when you might want to call upon the services of a lawyer to help you with your business:
Naming and Trademarking. If you’re starting a business, you can’t just pick out a name and order your business cards. There is a process involved with filing your business name, and you may need to protect it with trademarks. An attorney can walk you through the process to make sure it’s done correctly.
Selecting the Right Structure. Is it better for you to be an LLC or a partnership? An S corporation or a C corporation? A sole proprietor? Each business structure has its own set of benefits and drawbacks, which an attorney can lay out for you, so that you can choose the best structure for your needs.
Initial Paperwork. You’ll need a number of licenses and permits before you open your doors, and neglecting to get one can be costly. An attorney can help you make sure that you complete all of the necessary forms, so that you can avoid problems.
Contracts and NDAs. Trying to write up non-disclosure agreements and contracts yourself can be a recipe for disaster. Having an attorney draw up these documents and review ones that you’re presented is a wise decision.
Buy-Sell Agreements. Anytime that you own a partnership or an LLC, it’s important that you have a document in place to protect all of the owners in the event that someone passes away or one partner wants out. An attorney can assist with drawing up the necessary paperwork.
Incorporation. Starting a corporation is a lengthy process that must be done correctly. Having an attorney assist you can ensure that everything is done legally and properly.
Litigation. If you need to sue someone or someone sues you, you can’t afford to be without an attorney.
Buying or Selling Your Business. An attorney can help you negotiate the sale of a business whether you’re the buyer or the seller and draw up the necessary paperwork to complete the deal.
Whether you have one of the above needs or another legal concern, you can count on Attorney Robert A. Boyd to assist you with your business law needs. He brings more than 25 years of experience helping businesses in the Willoughby area with all types of legal concerns and is available to assist you. Call his office at 440-230-3230 to schedule a consultation.